100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Because of the nature of the sex doll and because of the personalized choices of the client regarding the doll, ESDoll.ca runs the policy that there is no return accepted unless there is a factory defect. The personalized choices for hair, for nails, or for the color of the eyes of the doll, or for any other question, please contact us at email. ESDoll.ca is proud to be a classified seller premium of sexual products.

We guarantee the best products at the lowest prices. Maintenance and Cleanness: Your doll should be cleaned every 30 days with mild shower foam. The head should be taken off and cleaned separately. Please keep the head away from water. When the skin becomes sticky, please clean with bath powder, wipe dry and use baby powder to make smooth.


— Please dry with a towel after cleaning and apply baby powder.

— DO NOT use a hairdryer.

— Use a mild shampoo to wash the hair and let it dry naturally.

— please put on clothes for the doll to keep clean.

— Be careful when moving the doll, avoid dropping/knocking/breaking.

Undeliverable Orders

Please take care in providing your shipping information. What you provide is exactly how your shipping label will be printed. Orders returned to us as undeliverable will result in a 20% processing fee and no shipping refund will be issued. Click Here to Contact Customer Service.

Your doll is custom made just for you at our factory, with the specific doll options that you have chosen. Because your sex doll is a custom product created just for you, once production of your doll has begun your order may not be canceled for unless valuable reason.

If for exceptional reasons the cancellation is accepted by Seller after the 12 Hours Cancellation Period. The cancellation will be subject to a Seller’s restocking fee (“ Restocking Fee”) of twenty percent (20.0%) from the value of the Product order. SRSD will provide to Buyer a refund of funds paid minus the Restocking Fee to the Buyer’s original payment method and other fees may apply such as processing and transaction fees.